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Netflix drama Lost ending

by 밈코인공부방 2021. 1. 14.

American drama Lost is an American drama that I watched like crazy 15 years ago.
You can watch it on Netflix now.
When I watched the American drama Lost for a long time, it was stopped due to the production company's strike, so my interest stopped.
In the case of the series that resumed after the strike was over, it was so difficult to get immersed in it that it fizzled out.

But not too long ago, I started driving again from the beginning, but when I saw it from the beginning again, I was immersed in it again.

I think it's a well-made American drama, I think it's a well-made American drama.
And once, the flow was cut off, so I didn't understand what was going on and I thought it was going to the mountain.
When I saw it from the beginning, I understood it and it became fun again.
I think it'll be a spoiler as I use it.


If you don't like spoilers, I'll insert a photo in the middle so don't read it.
If you're curious because you can't understand even though you've seen it until the end, please read it.
And the ending I understand may be wrong, and this is my personal opinion, so don't trust me too much.
The American drama Lost begins when an airplane makes an emergency landing on an island.
The plane made an emergency landing, and it's a miracle that it's alive.

More people survive than you think.
Survivors of the crashed plane overcome the crisis by recovering from the accident and helping each other with dangerous people.
And then they start living on an unexpected island.
At first, I thought it would be rescued soon, but the rescue continues to be delayed and strange things begin to happen on the island where I thought there was no one.
At first, I didn't understand this strange thing, and it was often completely absurd.


It's definitely a fascinating and immersive drama, so I keep watching it, but after all the weird things continue, what's this?

That's what I keep me thinking.
And at first, I knew it was surreal, and then there was a science community and a company that came up and said, "This is a situation created by humans."
You'll find out.
But as science groups and businesses emerge, the story gets more complicated.
It made me wonder that it was so great, but as the anticipation grew, I felt embarrassed about how to finish it.
And eventually, it was an island in the middle of reality and the afterlife.
The fact that humans have done research on this island has led to the conclusion.
And sometimes, I ended up with this kind of setting for unrealistic phenomenon.
After seeing this ending, I realized that there was a double track in between.


The fact that it was an island that could not be found when we went back without being caught on the radar of the real world.
The connection is that there is a character whose physical function has been revived.
I think there were other settings that looked detailed.
After watching the ending of the American drama, I think a lot of rice cakes were sorted out.
I hoped for a better ending, but I thought it was still great that it ended with a worldview called Yeonok at this point.
I'm sure there are people who didn't see the conclusion while watching American dramas, so I'm sorry for the spoiler.
If you look at the world view of American drama after some time later, you will feel different.
