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어학/일본문화 어학

Plot of Howl's Moving Castle

by 밈코인공부방 2021. 1. 13.

Howl's Moving Castle is a masterpiece among masterpieces.
I'm going to write a brief summary of Howl's Moving Castle here.
To prevent spoilers, I'll write it down to the middle.
Sophie, who takes over the family business and runs a hat shop, is going to meet her brother Letty after finishing her business. Sophie is surrounded by soldiers on her way to meet her.
Then an attractive wizard, Howl, appears and saves her.

The two are then chased by black rubber humans, and Howl flies in the sky and takes Sophie to her destination.
This flying scene is one of the highlights of Howl's Moving Castle.
Sophie falls in love with Howl.

Meanwhile, a notorious "witch of the wilderness" who was aiming for Howl appeared in front of Sophie and turned Sophie into a 90-year-old grandmother.
Sophie, who can't be in the store anymore, leaves town to relieve her curse.
On his way to the wilderness, he sees a scarecrow lying down and helps.
The scarecrow gives her a cane in return and guides her to Howl's moving castle.
Here comes howl's moving castle, and there's another mascot, firework devil, Calsifer.
The calsifer, which burns while eating everything, is the driving force behind howl's moving castle.
I was tied up by a contract with Howl before.


When Calsifer sees Sophie, she asks her to solve the riddle of her contract with Howl and to free her free.
When Howl returned to the castle, Sophie introduced herself as a new cleaner and stayed in the castle because she had already become a grandmother unlike when she first met him.
In this moving castle of Howl, Howl and Sophie live together instead of living together, and the story goes into a conflict structure.
Howl's war, duel with the witch of the wilderness, and Sophie's heart for Howl works in the process, ending with a happy ending.
The witch of the wilderness who was after Howl showed a twist and later gave a laugh.
Anyway, the music and video were all beautiful howl's moving castle story.


'어학 > 일본문화 어학' 카테고리의 다른 글

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